Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thank you!

I've been meaning to blog for some time now and when I saw that everyone was updating statuses through the month of November with things they were grateful for I thought "this is it, instead of posting what you're grateful for, why not blog about it!"  So that's what this blog has been about.  I've enjoyed blogging this entire month and even though I got behind on some I remember thinking of each of the things I was grateful for daily.  Life is so busy and hectic that sometimes we forget to be grateful for the things we have and to enjoy the little things.  Every day isn't perfect and why should it be?

This journey I feel has given some of my readers an incite into who I really am because as most people know I'm pretty vague when if comes to facebook status updates.  It's strange putting yourself out there but it's also freeing in a way.

I've received quiet the amount of compliments from people telling me that they've enjoyed my blog, they find it humbling, etc.  If I could only tell you how much that really means to me.  So this one's for you, my readers, I'm grateful that you took a minute to read something that I wrote, whether it was one post or several, I hope you enjoyed it!  

P.S.  This isn't the end of my blogging, stay tuned!


Clifton and I met through an online dating website (yup, you read that correctly) ONLINE!  I remember each of our dates in the first month, most of them to the point that I could tell you what I wore to each and probably what he did as well.  One of my favorite dates was the night he invited me over for dinner, he was cooking.  Talk about impressing a girl (any men out there reading this I'm straight up telling you what we like)!  He made us steaks with a home made wine sauce, potatoes and green beans.  While he cooked we had some wine and chatted and not only was the conversation enjoyable but it was funny, he had me in tears before I even had the chance to take a bite of food.  It was the best date I had ever been on!

In Pennsylvania

Clifton is simply amazing, he's a mixture of a little kid yet will hit you with something so profound and enlightening that it'll make you stop and think.  He's the most laid back person I've ever come across always going with the flow knowing things will work out, which I admire (I need to be more like this).  He's random and predictable, sincere and goofy, talented improvisor and cook.  He makes every day interesting and makes my world complete. 

Hanging out with good friends from DCH

 Every day I am grateful that I met Clifton I'm grateful that he is the one standing besides me on this journey called life because It wouldn't be the same without him! 

At the Dallas Comedy House's Homecoming Dance!

Crock pot Sundays!

I've got two words for you, crock pot.  If you don't have a crock pot, then you need to stop reading, scratch that finish reading this post, then run out to the nearest Target, Walmart, Bed & Bath, William Senoma, where ever they sell one and buy one!  I promise you'll thank me for this!

I bought a crock pot a few years ago and I don't use it as often as I'd like but I'm changing that.  I recently stumbled upon a website called crock pot girls which is full of recipes, tips, etc.  So now I've decided to begin having crock pot Sundays.  Every Sunday after breakfast I put a new recipe in the crock pot and let it cook all day, we then have if for dinner that night and usually Monday as well.  It makes Sunday's more relaxing and enjoyable as well as Monday's. 

I'm grateful for my crock pot and these girls for putting together this website and reminding me what's been sitting right in front of me!

It's Skinny

I mentioned in an earlier post titled "One hour and sixteen minutes to be exact" about my best friend Reeney's husband Skinny and an accident he was in.  I didn't get into details about it then but I'm going to now.  On November 14th, 2010 Skinny was on his land cutting down trees with his cousin and he didn't move far enough away and a branch off the tree fell and hit him in the back of the head pushing him forward landing face first into the ground so he not only was hit in the back of the head but his face broke is fall.  I remember talking to Reeney through out that day and her saying "Dana, for about 5 minutes while I was in that ambulance I didn't think he was alive."  He was alive though.  He was rushed to ICU unconscious.  He didn't wake for 3 weeks.  I actually went in the weekend after his accident (Thanks to our good friend Robin who flew me in).  I sat in that hospital waiting, hoping for anything a movement, a sign. 

It is now over a year later and so much has happened but this is what I can tell you.  Skinny is alive and doing well.  He is still the Skinny I've always known and loved but he has a traumatic brain injury (TBI), severe memory loss, vision impairment, the list goes on.  He's come a long way from where he was (thanks to his wife Reeney, her family & friends, and the doctors and therapists who REALLY cared).  I remember seeing him this fall, we had a great conversation just like old times, I can't wait to see him in a few weeks!

I'm grateful that Skinny is still here today with us!  When I talk to Reeney on the phone and I tell her to tell him I said hi and I hear him say "hi" back to me it makes me so happy, makes my day because I remember when I wasn't sure I'd hear that voice again.

Reeney & Skinny

None of us are sure what the future holds but I'm still hopeful, how can I not be, it's Skinny.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Carrie - My older sister. I've always looked up to her!  She inspires me daily.  She reminds me of my grandma Myers.  She's book smart and common sense smart.  In my eyes she's beautiful, talented, strong and can do anything!  This is no lie that's exactly how I see her.  Over the past couple years her and I have grown closer and I'm so grateful for that.

Eric - my older brother, my twin born two years earlier then me...haha.  Growing up him and I were inseparable and forced together.  We had a falling out for some years but then came together again.  I remember him and Crystal drove 6 hours to surprise me for my 21st birthday, I'll never forget that!  We don't talk now as much as I'd like but he's my brother and was there for me when I needed him most last year, even though he probably doesn't even know it.

Amber - the youngest, the baby of the family.  She's like this combination of us mixed with her own uniqueness, it's amazing to see.  She's unbelievably compassionate with the biggest heart and although she hates school she's really good at it.  To have watched her grow up I would say is similar to watching your child grow up, it's scary, surprising, stressful, exciting and amazing all at once.  She amazes me constantly with her "wise beyond her years" moments.  I'm so very proud of her and look forward to her future!

Crystal - She's not my sister by blood but my sister just the same.  Carrie and Crystal were best friends when they were younger but Crystal became a "Myers" along the way.  Crystal is one of the most selfless people I have ever met.  She has taught me so many things.  I don't get to see her as much as I'd like and I miss her often.

Jay - Carrie and Jay have been dating for way over 10 years ( I always say over 10 because I've lost count).  I remember when Carrie first told me she had a boyfriend and me being the "nosy" sister that I am I grilled him to the point of asking him what shampoo and toothpaste he used (these are important things to know about your sisters boyfriend).  Jay is a unique person (the best kind), he challenges what you think but in a curious manner, he gets giddy like a kid over certain things and he treats my sister like the Goddess she is and that is what really matters.  My sister and Jay aren't married but he's my brother just the same.  I'm hoping one day I'll be able to plan their Harry Potter themed wedding.

Abbey - My new sister-in-law.  If I could only tell you how glad I am that her and Eric found each other, how grateful I am that she put up with my brother.  Hopefully she doesn't take offense to this but I feel like she fits in so well into our family, that she was one of the missing pieces.  Her and Amber have grown close and I can't tell you how much that means to me and how happy that makes me.  She's an amazing person, I admire her "go with the flow" attitude and goofiness.

Tasha - My cousin, my sister.  We both know we're more then sisters.  We don't talk as much as I'd like but I think of her constantly.  I think she's an amazing mom!  I wish she could see how beautiful she is on the inside and out.  Her mom would be so proud of her, I know I am! 

I'm so grateful for my siblings they are all unique and amazing in their own way!

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

I've always said that I won the lottery in the friend department and believe me I did!  I remember my first friend ever Lacey Terenzio, her and I did everything together when we were younger.  We grew apart later on in life but found each other on facebook a few years ago and got back in touch and try to get together when I'm in town (I'm working on getting her to Texas to visit).  I have a lot of memories of her and I growing up.

In high school I had some of the most amazing people in my life, each of them know who they are, I'm still friends with them to this day even though we all live so far apart (Arizona, to Texas, Texas to D.C., D.C. to Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania to Connecticut, the list goes on).  I don't talk to them all the time or see them much but I think of them every day and wish them nothing but good things in their lives.  I do know that I can count on them through thick and thin.

When I got to college I met new people and made new friends.  I'm in contact with a lot of them as well, some I'm closer to then others.  It's funny because sometimes the people you think you'll grow apart from you don't, and vice verse.

When I moved to Houston almost five years ago I made a new round of friends and then I moved to Dallas, it's taken me a while to meet new people here and make new friends because I didn't know anyone in the area but I'm starting to.

I just want to say that I'm grateful to all the people in my life whether you were my first friend, my best friend in high school, a co-worker, someone I met through Clifton, an old friend a new friend, etc.  I may not talk to you often or see you that much but I promise you I think of you daily and I'm grateful to know you.

Law of averages

I have a love hate relationship with running.  Some days, who am I kidding, most days it's a struggle just to get my feet on that pavement.  Not as often though it's not as much of a struggle once I'm out there, it's not easy by any means either!  However, once in a while, once in a blue moon I have  a run that is simply so enjoyable (yes, I said enjoyable) so easy (yup, I said easy too) that I think I could run forever.

The first time this happened to me was when Clifton and I ran our first 10k at the Cowtown Marathon event in Ft. Worth this past February.  We had never run this distance before and didn't want to start out too fast to hurt ourselves in the long run so you have to understand that we weren't running at any fast pace, we just wanted to complete the race and do our best to not stop (which we did both).  I remember enjoying my random play list, watching the sun rise as we came down one of the hills and us pointing to all the interesting t-shirts people were wearing to advertise their group/business, the whole thing was simply enjoyable, not bad for an hour of running!

Following this race I ran a few days later and had a very similar experience of an enjoyable run, at this point I thought maybe this is it, this is how "runners" feel and that's why they love to run so much and do it so often.  I felt like I had finally reached a pivotal moment in my running!  I was wrong!  

I will tell you this though that some days if you can just get yourself on that pavement and start, you'll be glad you did and even if it's a crappy run, just remember what my dad always use to tell me "at least you're out there doing it!"  Also, those scarce enjoyable runs can occur at any point and the more you run the more they're likely to occur, law of averages, right!?

I had an enjoyable run the other day, I hadn't been running in probably about 2 weeks so I didn't know what to expect, but I got a nice surprise and I'm grateful for that!  Grateful for running, even if it is a love/hate relationship.

We decided to start a fire the other night...

I loved the house I grew up in, my dad/mom don't live there any more we moved out of it when I was 11 or 12.  The house had this amazing fireplace, that my dad built.  It was made of brick and it was beautiful!  I remember waking up each morning in the winter and running to the fireplace to get warm.  I'd sit there waiting for my dad to bring me the hot chocolate he was making.  It made getting up that early and having to go school a little bit easier to take. 

I haven't experienced a fireplace since then at least not one of my own.  Living in Texas fireplaces aren't as common.  Well the apartment we moved into in September did come with one.  I remember when we looked at the place and getting excited about having a fireplace but at the same time wondering "would this be something we take advantage of or will it end up going unused?"

Well I can tell you we took advantage!  We decided to start a fire the other night!  It was nice sitting there eating dinner and watching a movie next to the fire.  I'm grateful for the fireplace in our new apartment!

"oh this must be like when cable companies give you free movies stations during the holiday weekend...

We traded in or maybe upgraded is a better way of putting it our Toyota in March.  We were both super excited because it was our first brand new car, I'm talking zero miles!  With the deal came free XM Satellite radio, at the time we weren't sure for how long, come to find out it was only 3 months.  Better than nothing!  So after 3 months we didn't have it renewed and just continued with our regular radio stations.  Well Clifton called me a couple months back telling me that the people from XM called and offered us a pretty sweet deal (can't remember what it is, surprise) but he wanted to talk to me first before accepting so he told the salesman to call back.  Well he never did.

We were in the car the other day, running errands I'm sure, and flipping radio stations as usual and discovered that most of our XM stations are back!  We weren't sure what to make of it.  Honestly, my first thought was "oh this must be like when cable companies give you free movies stations during the holiday weekend, XM gives you free radio stations"  Well it's Tuesday after the Thanksgiving weekend and I can tell you that we still have our XM stations coming in loud and clear!  I don't know why or how this has happened but I'm grateful for it, even if it is for just a short period of time!


Clifton and I spent Thanksgiving with his mom and her husband, Clint in Austin.  We won't get to see them for Christmas, seeing as we'll be spending it with my family in Pennsylvania.  We got there on Wednesday evening just in time for some home made dinner!  We spent the evening hanging out, chatting, attempting to open a bottle of wine without a wine key, looking at pictures, etc. 

After the evening had ended I told Clifton that I had a really good time and that I felt very much at home.  He said he felt the same way with my family when he first met/hung out with them.

I'm grateful that both of us feel this way about one each others family.  I'm also grateful for a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Clint, Lela (Clifton's mom), Clifton and Me!

Rylee bear

I don't have any kids of my own and my siblings don't have any either.  So when my cousin Tasha got pregnant I immediately told her that I wanted to be upgraded to aunt!  She of course had no problem with it, not that a title really matters but Tasha and I are more like sisters then cousins anyways. 

On August 28th of 2009, Rylee Ann was born.  She was without a doubt (no lie) the cutest baby I have ever laid eyes on (I know some close seconds)!  As she gets older she only gets cuter!

 Bear and I last Thanksgiving playing

My first gift to Rylee was a pink pair of Chuck Taylors (hey, I've got to teach her).  Now it's become a thing between her and I.  I will not let her parents or anyone else buy her Chucks.  She's on her 4th pair.  I told Tasha that I'll be buying her Chucks until she graduates college!  Last pair I bought her she was so excited she showed them off at day care the next day!  I can't wait until her and I can design them together!  I hope that this is what she has one day...

She turned two this year and I didn't get her chucks but I did get her pink cowboy boots....

So I'm grateful for Rylee bear, she can always put a smile on my face (even just through a picture) and I'm grateful for our Chuck Taylor bond.  I look forward to watching her grow up and spending more time with her in the future.


We rented Horrible Bosses this weekend.  If you haven't seen it there's this part where the guy is getting yelled at by his boss for being 2 minutes late, yes two minutes.   While I was watching this, I thought to myself "Wow, I'm so glad my boss isn't like that!"  I'm pretty lucky when it comes to my work schedule.  I used to be a sales representative and with that your schedule is a lot more flexible and you in a way make your own schedule.  When I was promoted to the Retail Operations Analyst it meant that I would work out of our Region office, mostly working a 8-5 gig.  I recall my first year with the company, I was almost always the first one in and last one out.  I didn't know how things worked and I didn't want to make a bad impression.  We don't clock in or anything, but you never know who's "watching."  I've been working out of the office now for just over 2 years and you come to find out that our schedule has some flexibility. 

Most days of the week I'll come in about 7:30 and I won't take a lunch, unless I have errands to run.  I asked my boss a few weeks back if it would be ok that a few days a week I leave about 20 minutes early so that I could get a run in outside before it gets too dark.  He replied with "yeah, that's fine."  So I'm grateful that I am allowed to make adjustments to my schedule to better fit my needs.  Not many people are lucky enough to have this.  I'm not only grateful for that but for a boss who treats me well and a job that I enjoy!

21 more days!

Twenty one more days and Clifton and I will be jetting off to the great north, or Pennsylvania, take your pick!  We didn't think we'd be making it in to see my family this year (you may have already read about it in an earlier blog titled "The Decision") but I happen to find an awesome deal and felt that it was "fate" telling us to go!  Not to mention everyone who offered a monetary contribution, transportation service, moral support, etc.

So I'm grateful that we get to spend Christmas at home in Pennsylvania with my family!  I'm grateful that the airlines didn't take all our monies and I'm so very grateful to all those who offered help (even if it wasn't taken, you have no idea what the gesture meant)!! 

I hope that everyone gets to spend the holiday with their family, friends and loved ones!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Customer service isn't dead

I NEVER wore make-up in high school, anyone who went to school with me can attest to this.  I didn't get into wearing make-up probably until my sophomore year of college.  However, eventually I did and about 2+ years ago I came across bare escentuals, bare mineral product.  I had heard some great reviews about it and they had a great starter kit.  I was sick of liquid foundation and ready for a change so I bought it.  That purchase will go down in history as one of the best ones ever made!  I fell in love with it immediately, even introduced a couple people to it!  The product is a bit pricey BUT lasts a LONG time and does NOT EXPIRE!  Who could ask for more!?!  

I don't need product often but I don't always realize when I'm running low and finding a near by bare escentuals boutique is not easy.  My other options are Ulta or Sephora but they don't have the selection a boutique does.  So yesterday knowing Clifton and I had mall errands to run I asked if we could make a trip to the North Park mall instead of the one literally less then a mile from our apartment and he said "yes!"  So off we went.  My first stop was bare escentuals and luck would have it, it was right there when we walked into the mall!  I should have known that was a good sign.  So I went straight to the store while Clifton got us some coffees.  I was immediately greeted and asked if I needed help and I went right into it..."Yes, I need foundation, but a lighter color then I have, I need mineral vail and a new blush, please!"  She was like of course let's see what color foundation will work best for you so she had me sit down and she washed my face, applied 3 foundations to pick from.  Then she washed them off, applied a new layer of the foundation I had chosen and then it was on to blushes.  I was unsure at first about the one she put on me so we tried a second one but turns out she knows her stuff cause I went with the first one.  She was so nice and so patient with me.  Then as I was checking out she said I got a free make-up bag and I got to choose a free gift.  I picked a card and I got a free full size eye liner!  I was so excited!

That little trip made my night!  That's what I call good customer service (even without the goodies)!  So I'm grateful for employees like that who take care of you and for surprise goodies, it's nice to get free things once in a while, even nicer when they're things you'll use!

If you haven't tried or don't own Bare Escentuals, Bare Minerals I highly recommend it!

Life's little treats

I find it funny how the things that annoy you or ruin your day one day can do the complete opposite another.  I have a couple instances of these.

First:  I can be a very organized person at times and at others when things get crazy and I'm always on the go, things get scattered.  Sometimes my purse will be so clean there's barely anything in it and other times it'll be full of everything and anything under the sun from a piece of fruit, to a million receipts, books, etc.  So I was looking for something in this current black hole (my purse) and I stumbled upon 5 dollars!  Now that's not a lot of money but it is 5 dollars!  I remember in college one time we needed an extra $5 for pizza we had ordered and no one in the house had it so I was like "give me a minute let me check all my pockets" and I ran upstairs and checked every pocket I had and I found that $5 we needed.  Or another time when I was walking on campus wearing my black vest and put my hand in the pocket and pulled out $29 dollars, yup $29!  That was awesome!  So sometimes I'm so annoyed at myself when I'm this unorganized and can't remember where I placed things and other times it's a blessing in disguise. 

Second:  If you read an earlier blog I wrote titled "Laughter really is the best Medicine" then you'll recall the Friday I woke up and ended up being to work an hour and a half early because of my phone changing the time on it and I didn't realize it til later.  Well it happened again but this time it was different.  Thursday morning my alarm went off as usual and I hit the snooze a few times until it was time to get up.  As I sat up in bed I looked over at the alarm clock sitting on our dresser (I didn't look at this clock last time) and it said it was only 5:04!  Wow what a treat, I was like a kid on Christmas morning (Clifton can attest to this).  My phone had changed back an hour so the alarm went off an hour early and I had a whole other hour to sleep!

So I'd just like to say that I'm grateful for life's little treats, no matter how small they may be or that I may have caused them myself and some days they don't go as nice as others but when they do, I appreciate them!

The Decision

It's almost Christmas time which usually means that before long I'll be packing my bags and heading home.  Don't get me wrong Dallas is my home but Pennsylvania, Hamlin, will always be my home.  This blog is not easy to write because I'm not sure that I've even come to terms with the decision I've made.  Clifton and I have been planning for a while now to spend Christmas with my family and friends.  Everyone is going to be home this year (my siblings and their significant others), which is a big deal and we're even planning on having a Harry Potter themed Christmas (yes, you read that correctly).  You know you want one!  This has been a long time in the making, I'm waiting on my Hogwarts letter right now (not kidding).  However, I went to look for tickets this week, on Tuesday when prices supposedly go down and the cheapest was $750 for both of us to fly into Philly.  That means we still have to get a ride from Philly to Hamlin (approx. 2 hours away).  The weather conditions at this time are always unpredictable and it's not always easy finding a ride and it's an inconvenience for most.  To fly into Avoca the airport 30 minutes from home is about $500+ per ticket.  So we would be spending approximately $1,000 to $1,200 to fly home.  That doesn't include luggage costs, expenses while there, Christmas gifts, etc.

I'm not sure if it's the logic in me, the adult, or what but I decided that's just too much money.  That would make things extremely tight and we'd start the new year off struggling and I'm not ok with that.  There's a part of me that feels like I'm putting a price on my family, like I'm not willing to shell out the money to see them and I hope they know that's not the case!!  I have seen them a couple times this year.  We all flew in for my dad's surprise 60th Birthday party and we all flew in for my brother and new sister's wedding!  So we did get time together this year but it's Christmas.  I've been home for Christmas every year for 27 years!  It's a big deal to me, it's important to me.  I don't even care for presents I just love to be home with my family and friends! 

Clifton told me I could go myself (super sweet) but I want to spend Christmas with him!  My sister Carrie has offered to help pay, my best friend Reeney has offered to help or pay for it and my sister in law Abbey has offered a $200 voucher towards the trip and a ride from the airport!  I am ever so grateful for each and every offer that they have bestowed upon me!  I just can't accept them.  I'm not good at borrowing or taking money from people.  I love to give, I just struggle with the receiving especially something this big!

So it is with great sadness that I have decided that unless some "miracle" deal comes up between now and then Clifton and I will not be spending our Christmas in Pennsylvania.  I'm grateful for those of you I've talked to in depth about this (Clifton, Carrie, Tasha, Reeney) you have all been so supportive and understanding and I'm so grateful for that, for you all!  I know that to most this whole thing seems silly but if you only realized what Christmas at home with my family means to me (I'm literally tearing up right now just thinking about it).  My family and friends are amazing and I cherish and love every minute that I get to spend with them which isn't often because I live in Texas.  So I hope you all understand.

"...he always takes the best..."

I can't believe that this is happening again but Tuesday afternoon I found out that a friend I went to college with died.  I knew that he had been in and out of hospitals for quite some time and most recently had a surgery that had gone well.  His wife had posted this Monday, a week maybe week and a half after the surgery that prayers were needed because he was having some complications and was being re-admitted.  I said a prayer and hoped for the best, he seemed to be making a come back each time you never expect to see that he had passed.  But he did.

I met Joe my freshmen year of college when I started dating his friend Jason.  Jason and Joe lived across the hall from one another, they became quick friends and before long best of friends.  I spent a lot of my 4 years in college with Joe because Jason and him were for the most part inseparable.   Joe was a great guy, very laid back, always polite, family oriented, great friend, genuine person.  I have a lot of memories from back then.  Weekend lunch trips to the cafeteria cause who ever got up early enough for breakfast, partying "illegally"in the dorms, going out to the bars, senior homecoming, the list goes on. 

Joe and I graduated together and following graduation he moved back to Pittsburgh area where he's from and I stayed in the Erie area.  We saw each other here and there.  There was Geoff's house in Buffalo celebrating, Ryan and Gail's wedding, etc.  I remember one of the last times I saw Joe.  Jason and I met him and at the time his girlfriend Amber, (she later became his wife) at Olive Garden off of Peach St. in Erie for dinner.  We had a nice dinner together, catching up!  We always liked getting together with them!

 The guys - Jason, Joe, Ryan and Geoff

Things have since changed.  I obviously am no longer with Jason (I even remember talking to Joe about this at the time), we both went in different directions and with that comes the loss of those friends in many ways.  It's not something you do purposely, it's just what happens.  Joe, Ryan, Geoff they were all Jason's friends before they were mine and a guy girl friendship is much different then a guy guy or girl girl so you say hi when you run into them catch up and then continue on your way.  I kept in touch with Geoff here and there on facebook, the same with Amber (which is how I kept in touch with Joe in a way).  It's not the same as the friends you make plans with and get together with but at one time that's what we had and I'm grateful for that time.  I was lucky to know and spend time with an amazing person who had to leave this world, his family and friends behind too soon.  He isn't in pain any more which is the only good thing to come of this.  So Thank you Joe for being you, It was a pleasure to be your friend.

A shot of Joe and I on the dance floor!

To his wife Amber I can't even imagine what you have gone through and are going through but I think you are one of the strongest people I have come across and I hope that strength will continue to carry you through this and one day you will find peace.

Joe and Amber

Please if you would take a moment to say a prayer for the family and friends of Joe, may they find peace in this tragedy.

God looked around His garden and found an empty place. He then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful he always takes the best. He saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb, so he closed your weary eyelids and whispered "Peace be thine". It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone, for part of us went with you the day God called you home.

Deal with the devil

Back in late August early September of this year I made a deal with the devil.  The deal:  No clothes shopping until my 29th birthday (February 28th).  The devil:  Clifton.  Now first I must tell you that this wasn't even Clifton's idea, it was mine and I had a couple margaritas...I blame the damn alcohol, not really!  Now just to clarify I am allowed to buy accessories, such as belts, scarfs, jewelry, things of that nature not to exceed $30 for any one item.

I thought this will be a challenge for me and anyone who knows me well, knows I love to challenge myself!  I also thought I'll revamp my current wardrobe besides winter is coming so I'll be changing most of my clothes over to sweater and jeans this will be fine.  Now around this time my sister had introduced me to Pinterest, for those of you not familiar with the website let me take a minute to give you some insight:  You know when you're browsing the internet and you see something you like (i.e. furniture, DIY projects, clothes, etc.) and you save the website to go back to or sometimes you forget to and that idea gets lost?  Well this site allows you to have virtual cork boards if you will and you pin these things to your boards so that you can refer back to them when you need inspiration.  So I have a board titled "I live to eat" and on it I pin recipes that I'd like to try or I also have a board titled "captured" which is different types of photo's so that when I want to take photographs I have some unique ideas to try.  Hopefully you get the point.  This ties together with my deal I promise...I'm getting there.  My favorite and probably most used board is the one titled "Dress the part" and on it I put anything I like clothing, style wise.  It has outfit concepts, dresses, shoes, etc. and whenever I have a moment of looking into my closet and think "I have nothing to wear!" I pull up my pinterest and find one of my pins and re-create it using what I have in my closet.  This has been a life saver.  I have done this probably closer to a dozen times!  So I'm thankful for a few things here.  1.  My sister for introducing/inviting me to this site.  2.  That I like challenges because I feel it makes me a better and stronger person.  3.  Pinterest, you are #2 on my list of greatest internet creations of all time, sorry but Google holds the #1 spot.  Thank you Pinterest for keeping my sanity through this challenge...only 3 months and 10 days left.  Wow, that's just scary thinking about.    

Monday, November 14, 2011

I heart you auto correct

I was on pinterest the other day just browsing through pins and came across an auto correct fail that had me laughing so hard I was literally in tears and not just a couple tears the rolling uncontrollably down my face tears.  The best part was my co-worker walked in to tell me something in the middle of this crying session that it made me laugh even harder, I could barely speak.  So today I'm grateful for auto correct.  I think it's the greatest thing ever and I hope it never gets fixed!!  I now know what I need to do whenever I'm having a bad day!

 This is the one that had me in stitches!

Laughter is the best medicine

It was Friday, October 15th 2010 to be exact.  Clifton and I had been dating for a few weeks now and he invited me to come see his Improv Comedy Troup, FIAD perform at the Dallas Comedy House.  I couldn't tell you much about the show but I do know that I enjoyed it and there was laughter involved.  All I knew about Improv Comedy came from the show "Who's Line is it Anyway" It's a good starting place but what they do on that show are games and what I saw that night was long form Improv.  It's very impressive to watch.  Following the show we hung out at the bar and had a few (insert wink) drinks.  I remember some of the people who were there that night, Hack, Tommy, Kyle, Brian, Christie (if I forgot anyone please forgive me there was drinking involved, it's been over a year and I have a crappy memory sometimes).  We all were just hanging out bullshitting, played a drinking "google" game.  I remember thinking the whole time "Wow, this is a lot of fun and these people are so nice!"  Little did I know at the time how big a part of my life that place, those people and comedy would be.

Lauren, Nick, Carley, Clifton and I front row for Tim Meadows and Uncles Brother!

Flash forward to this past Friday.  The day started out as any other.  I got up, got ready and walked out the door to quickly realize that it was 6:19 not 7:19 my cell phone had decided that it didn't care for day light savings time and was switching back.  Rather then go back upstairs I decided I would just go to work early, get a head start on some things.  Half-way to work I realized my lunch was still sitting in the fridge at home.  I had plenty of time to turn around but figured it'd just be easier to buy something at lunch instead.  Still trying my damnedest to be optimistic about this day but the hits kept coming, everyone and everything seemed to annoy me.  Before the work day had even ended I was so done to the point of just going home, crawling in bed with a book or movie, glass of wine and not move.  I however at literally the last minute decided to join Clifton and go to the Comedy House.  He had a show as usual with Roadside Couch and it was the big Homecoming Dance!   So I quickly got ready and we headed to Dallas.  I've got to tell you that last minute decision was the best one I had made all day because I had a lot of fun and was glad I had gone.  Laughter really is the best medicine!  So I'm grateful for The Dallas Comedy House and all the Improv Comedians who perform there, you're all very talented individuals who make me laugh regularly.  I've met some amazing people there that I'm grateful to call friends.

If you've never been to The Dallas Comedy House before I highly recommend it, if you have then I highly recommend you going again and again and again.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

It was like any other Friday until it wasn't.  Posts began showing up on Facebook with things such as "R.I.P. Steve" and his wall began to fill up with posts from friends saying stuff like I'll never forget you and I'll miss you, etc.  I didn't think what I was reading was correct.  However the posts kept coming.  I actually remember looking back on Facebook an hour later and not seeing the posts and immediately thinking "oh, Thank God, it was just a mistake."  However, I quickly realized that was just false hope.  Now I can't tell you the last time I saw Steve because I can't remember.  I don't have the best memory to begin with and I won't sit here and make up some story about the last time I saw him.  I do have two distinct memories of him though.  When we were younger Steve used to chase me around the play ground every day at recess and I used to make my brother go after him because as we all know boys had cooties (they still kind of do).  Steve was relentless though and even after my brother would chase him off he'd still chase me again the next day and the next.  He was determined!  My other memory was in middle school (I believe) my friend Erin, Jeremy and I went over to Steve's house to hang out and catch a movie together that night.  I remember us all just hanging out in his bedroom goofing off.  I recall his dog jumped up on me and I of course was wearing white that day.  I also remember the movie we saw, it was U.S. Marshalls and every time I watch that movie I remember that day.  I've known Steve since elementary school, we also went to grade school together, middle school and finished high school together.  Following high school we both went in different directions.  If I recall correctly I saw him a couple times in the years since graduating, running into him around town.  Even though we didn't keep in touch and we weren't a big part of each others life I know this.  Steve was a good guy, he was funny, liked to have a good time, told you how it was, and was a true friend.  He was the kind of friend who would be there for you through thick and thin.

This tragedy has had me thinking about a lot of things all day.  One the saying, "life is short" I've always known this I've seen tragedy hit close to home and I've seen it hit people close to me.  I believe in spending time with those we love as much as possible and to cherish every moment we have because you never know.  This is always easier said then done. I mean you go through your entire high school (sometimes further back) with the same people, people you see day in and day out.  Some you become very close friends with, others not so much.  Either way, when it comes time to graduate you all make promises to keep in touch and when you say that to each other you really mean it because at that point you have no clue what lies ahead.  Quickly you realize that the promises you made aren't so easy to keep.  Not because you don't want to but because life is hectic and busy.  Throw moving several states away, or just one and the time to get to see each other becomes thinner.  It's sad but true.  As another saying goes "everything happens for a reason."  Not making light of this in any way but there has to be a reason and maybe keeping in touch better, appreciating the ones we love and the things we have more, maybe that's the reason.  I don't know.  I do know that a life was taken too soon and he will be missed by many.   

On November 11th Steve Stookey was taken from this world.  Family and friends have lost a member, two boys have lost their father, the class of 2001 has lost another.  I am grateful to sit here and say that I knew Steve and grew up with him.  May you be at peace Steve and tell Nancy I said hi!

P.S. Please take a moment to say a prayer for his family & friends may they find peace in this difficult time. 

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”
Thomas Campbell

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Etta Face Side Note

I know I'm going to sound crazy and that's fine but sometimes I swear Etta (our cat) just "gets it" like she understands exactly what I say to her.  I had to go into the office today so I told Etta this morning that she was not to leave Clifton's side and she was to keep an eye on him.
So I asked Clifton later in the day if his "nurse" was taking good care of him and he said she hasn't left the bed except for when I get up she'll get up too and follow me. 
Now to some of you this may be normal for your cat/dog to do.  This isn't normal for Etta.  Etta isn't a lovey dovey cat in any way shape or form.  She doesn't cuddle, sit in your lap, like to be carried, or rub up against your leg.  She does her thing and you do yours.  So I know she got what I meant by keeping an eye on Clifton.
I'm grateful to my little assistance she did an excellent job today and I will be rewarding her with some treats this weekend.
Thanks Facey.

Best Case Scenario

Clifton had his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday.  His surgery was scheduled at 6:00, talk about early!  It didn't take long he was done and ready to go by 7:30.  I wasn't sure what to expect when he got out but there he was mouth full of gauze all smiles asking if I could take him to Denny's for breakfast! 
I get us back to Lewisville and stop at Walmart to drop off his prescription.  While I'm walking in I look at my phone and there is a text message from Clifton.  I saw him texting while I was driving, wasn't sure who he'd be texting so early, I guess it was me.  The text went something like this.  The doctor came in the room and asked who was with me and I said my girlfriend Dana.  He then asked, "Do you trust her" and I told him "sure."  He then asked are you sure she won't take advantage of you and I responded with "that's the best case scenario."  Haha!!  I'm so grateful for Clifton and his humor that I get to enjoy everyday.  He makes me laugh constantly! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"This one's on the store"

I went to Starbucks to get myself a tall Pumpkin Spice latte, I figure I better get it in before it goes away, seems the pumpkin flavored items are starting to dwindle.
Side Bar - Just because October and Halloween are over does not mean the Pumpkin flavored goodness out there should be too.  These things should remain until at least Christmas, hello Pumpkin pie is a common holiday dessert is it not!?!
Ok, I'm back. 
When I got in line there were two ladies ahead of me chatting with each other waiting on their coffees to be made.  After they were handed their coffees they went to pay.  I thought they were paying with a gift card and it wasn't reading it correctly.  So the ladies told the cashier they were sitting down to enjoy their coffee that they would pay before they left.  The cashier then asked me what I wanted as she started to make mine, two Target employees stepped in line behind me.  After my latte was made I went to pay however come to find out it wasn't a gift card issue it was a computer/register issue.  She said her computer needed to reboot, so I said I would wait.  She then proceeded to retrieve the coffees for the Target employees.  While I was standing there waiting I thought I have 5 dollars I'll just give her that and what ever is left she can put towards another customers coffee (there was no tip jar or I would have just left it as a tip).  As I went up to the counter to tell her this the other employees along with her said "No, this one's on the store."  we went back and forth for a minute and then I just said "you turned that one around on me but Thank you very much." 
Today I'm thankful for my free latte and for people like those 3 employees who did a "random act of human kindness" as I like to call it.  No matter how big or small it's always nice to receive a random act of human kindness from someone, it's even better to give one. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My dad called me yesterday

Anyone who knows me pretty well, knows that I have one hero in my life and I call him dad.  My dad hasn't served in any wars (well to an extreme extent), he hasn't survived cancer (cause he doesn't have it and Thank You God for that, let's keep it that way) he isn't a fireman, policeman, or doctor he's just a simple guy who is extraordinary! 
My parents separated when I was 11 or 12 and the first year of the separation we lived with my mom, however she moved to an apartment outside our school district so my dad would get up at 5 a.m. or earlier for all I know, drive to pick us up at our mom's and drive us back to his house to catch the bus, he did this every day for an entire school year!  Following that year we moved in with him and he in my eyes has made the ultimate sacrifice for his kids!  He has selfishly put aside any of his wants/needs and made us number one!  I can't imagine what it was like for him to have to make the sacrifices he did or the things we put him through.  I know I personally have put him through a lot, a few upset phone calls following car accidents, breaking my glasses days after he bought me knew ones (this happened multiple times), asking him to go to the store to buy me tampons (yup), the list goes on!
I could talk about my dad all day and if you'd ever like to know more about him just ask!  Don't be surprised if I get a little misty though talking about him because I got misty just typing this out.  He's an amazing person and I feel like the luckiest girl that he's my dad!  I look forward to spending every minute possible with him when I get to see him which isn't as often as I would like.  So right now it's mostly through phone calls that we "visit."  My dad called me yesterday just to say hi and see how things are going.  He does that every few days or I'll call him, that's the way it's always been with us and I'm grateful for that but mostly I'm just grateful for him!  

Eric, Me, My hero, Amber, Carrie

Monday, November 7, 2011

"Oh facey"

I've never been a big animal lover, don't get me wrong I don't dislike animals and I would never be cruel/mean to one.  I've always loved zoos but I just don't get all excited with animals at the pet store or when I go visit a friend I'm not ecstatic to see their pet (no offense).  I'll pet them, and acknowledge them but that's about the extent of my "animal love."  I know every animal that I have ever loved and they can be counted on 1 hand.  I'm not sure why I'm not big into pets maybe it's because growing up our family wasn't big in the pet department.  We had a dog named Samantha but she stayed outside and my dad took care of her 99% of the time.  There was the occasional gold fish that we would win at the fair (man I loved that game), but that lasted a month, maybe.  Then there was Kit Kat, a cute little kitty among several others who was "dropped" off at our door step.  However, Kit Kat was more my little sisters and I was never overly involved in her care.  So earlier this year when Clifton and I were talking about him moving into my apartment my reaction to the realization that his cat Etta was coming too went something like this..."oh... yeah.... so.... Etta.... comes... with... you?"  We laugh about it now, actually I laughed about it then too!  I was somewhat serious.  I had never owned or took care of a pet before and honestly I wasn't sure about it at all!  I mean up until this point all I had ever done with Etta was put food in her bowl a few times. 

Fast forward 11 months later and I don't know what I would do without her!  I never imagined I would be a "cat person" or a "pet person" to be perfectly honest I'm not sure I really am either of those, I just think I'm a "Etta person."  Every day I look forward to coming home and seeing her.  She does some of the funniest and weirdest things I've ever seen and I love it!  Don't get me wrong she can be a pain in the butt sometimes, not to mention sneaky and she sure as hell likes to test me but I wouldn't trade her for the world.  I'm still shocked at how much this "little" fur ball means to me!  Just yesterday Clifton had finished up putting together a book shelf and I walk into the living room and there she was just relaxing right on top of the book shelf!  haha, I expected nothing less from her!  So I am grateful for Etta Face the cutest, most unique cat I have ever known.  Thank you for bringing me so many smiles.  I love you facey! 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

An invite to dinner

It seems that every one's busy, that there's never enough time in the day, week, month, year.  So when our friends Meagan and Jeff called to see if we wanted to meet for dinner the other night we both didn't hesitate in saying yes.  We didn't have dinner plans set in stone and we haven't hung out with them in quite some time.  Dinner was great, we got to catch up and just hang out, not to mention see their beautiful daughter Ella.  I remember getting in the car after dinner and turning to Clifton and saying "that was really nice I'm glad they invited us.  I wish we'd do this more often."  I meant every word of it and I really to wish we could/will do it more often.  So today I'm grateful for the Solomon's who I get to call friends and their invite to dinner.  I look forward to spending more time with them in the future as well as getting to meet their son Ben.

A simple act

As a "runner' I use that term loosely cause I'm not sure I can be classified as a runner but more so as someone who runs as their main form of exercise. I have always found it hard to find good places to run or even the decent places always have their down sides.  I remember when I lived in Houston I would run outside my complex along the side walk that would then spit me out along Westheimer Rd (an 8 lane heavy traffic filled road).  So I'd be crossing streets with stop lights, parking lots, etc.  It was probably not the best place to run but it was convenient and it beat running on the treadmill at the gym.  When I moved to Roanoke I would run around the town on the back roads.  Well granted the traffic wasn't nearly as heavy but there was no shoulder or sidewalk to run on either.
It just seems that no matter what as a "runner" you're going to encounter obstacles.    I've been almost hit by a car that didn't see me, I've been bitten by a dog, lost my shoes to mud, etc.   It's just the way it is and having been running now for 10 years (wow, I didn't even know it was that long) I've just learned to adapt to my environment.
Recently Clifton and I have moved to the town of Lewisville and with a new town comes finding a new place to run.  Currently we've been running around the apartment complexes near our own.  There are sidewalks all along the way which makes it easy and there aren't too many streets to cross along the path we've found so obstacles are at a minimum but they still exist.
Yesterday I decided to go for a run, it was way too nice out not to.  Along my run, on the second half heading home I had just turned around and noticed up ahead a couple with two dogs.  They were pretty far ahead of me but I immediately began to think "Do they see me?"  "Are those dogs on leashes?" "Should I move over onto the grass as to not disturb them or their dogs?"  "What kind of grip do they have on those leashes?"  Well before I even got the chance to make a move or answer my questions the nice couple decided they would just make things easier on all of us and cross the street and walk on the other side.  I saw them do this and was immediately filled with appreciation, relief and it just put a smile on my face.  I attempted to catch their eye and wave at them to say "thank you" whether they saw me or not I don't know but I do hope they realize how much that simple act meant to me. So today I am grateful to all those people who have waited to turn their car so that I could cross the street, moved aside so that I could pass, held on to their animals so that I could continue my run peacefully, the list goes on and on.  Thank you, you have no idea how much easier you made that run because of your kindness.

Three before 9

Isn't it "funny" how you'll be driving in the car for a good 20 minutes or so and not one good song comes on any of the radio stations until right before you park and have to get out.  Some days it seems that no matter how many times you change the station or how often you listen to the radio you can't get a good stream of great songs.  Well several months ago (maybe longer, time goes by too fast) I discovered Pandora and I listen to that daily at work.  I have several stations and for the most part it plays pretty good mixes of music based on my choice however it also has times where it will play songs that I can't stand, or continually repeat the same song over and over again (I could listen to the regular radio if I wanted that).  However, I shouldn't complain because Pandora most recently decided to give free unlimited listening instead of their normal free 40 hours a month.  So I'm grateful for that.  Well today I don't know what was going on but every time I turned on the radio in the car or had my Pandora on in the office all I got was great songs!  I had heard 3 Tom Petty songs before 9 o'clock I was in classic rock heaven.  I even remember some CCR and Bob Seger.  I had to run an errand at lunch and didn't want to shut the radio down afraid the good song streak I was on would end.  So today I'm grateful for good music and free unlimited Pandora.    So let me pass on one of my favorite Petty songs: 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

one hour and sixteen minutes to be exact

" Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who's been standing beside you all along." 
The above quote describes how I feel about my best friend.  My best friend Reeney is the most wonderful person in the world.  There are not enough words to be able to explain how wonderful and amazing she is.   I wish that everyone had a "Reeney" in their life.  I have been blessed to not only have her in my life but I also get to claim her as my best friend.  Reeney and I have known each other my whole life since she is 16 years older then me (15 if you ask her).  We didn't become best friends until the summer after I graduated highschool, right before I went off to college 6 hours away (perfect timing I know)!  So you would have thought that between 4 years of college, 1 year living in Erie and almost 5 years of living in Texas, 1,524 miles apart (to be exact) only seeing each other in a good year 3 times with limited time and many interruptions we would have grown apart, however I'm here to tell you we have not! 

Reeney and I used to talk an average of 3 times a day.  This seems like a lot but depending on the length of the conversation it most likely was not.  We would call even if it was to tell each other something simple or ask a question.  Well almost a year ago a tragic accident occurred to her husband Skinny, I won't go into details because there will be a post about him later on.  Due to this accident Reeney has devoted her life and all her time to taking care of Skinny and helping him to get better.  Because of this life changing incident Reeney and I don't talk as much as we would like.  Now we will talk once maybe twice a day and for literally less then 5 minutes each time.  Sometimes we'll go days with out talking.  This doesn't change our friendship it just alters our communications.  It's just how things are right now.  She needs to take care of her husband and I need to be there for her in whatever way possible.  So last night something happened, something that hasn't happened in so long I can't even remember the last time.  She called me and we talked for an hour and sixteen minutes to be exact and I cherished every second!

Who's your best friend?  Have you talked to them today?  You should. 


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

unexpected notes

So I've seen it done before on people's facebook status's to post each day something that they are thankful for throughout the month of November in honor of Thanksgiving.  I have decided to blog about mine.

I've been dating my boyfriend Clifton now for just over a year and when we first became a couple we use to leave each other notes all the time, all over the place!  It was sort of like a game in many ways.  Where will my note be today?  What will it say?  It was something to look forward to at the end of a hard day.  My favorite is when I would travel for work (mostly) he would sneak notes into my suitcase!  There's nothing like being away from some one for several days and in the middle of the trip you come across a sweet little note in your running shoe. 
In the past few months we've gotten away from these regular notes.  Please note that I've said "we've" because it's been both of us.  There have been soooo many things to happen in the past few months (surprise birthday party, 3 weddings, baby showers, mini trips. moving into a new apartment, work trips, schedule overloads, etc., etc.).  It's so funny how life goes, everything happens at the same time.  So basically what I'm saying "life" happened and taking the time out to write those little notes got away from both of us.
It seems though that we're coming to a point where "life" is starting to slow down a little (please, please, please be true) which is a nice change of pace.
So yesterday I got home and there stuck to our kitchen counter was a post-it note with a sweet little note written on it from Clifton.  I could have been having the worst day of my life (which I wasn't, thankfully) and that note would have made it the best day!  So for my first day in November, I'm grateful for unexpected notes.  Here's hoping you get one too! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Please do not leave a message after the beep...beep.

The telephone ringing at work is almost as bad as the alarm going off in the morning, almost. At least with the alarm I know what is waiting for me with a telephone call I haven't a clue; who is it? what do they want? Do they have bad news? how long is this conversation going to last?

The worst is when I've been at work for less then 5 minutes or it's not even 8 and someone is calling. Listen you may be a morning person but I am not. I will not be bubbly, I will most likely not be the person you are looking for and it's almost always only me in the office at this time and even if I am the person you are looking for you are going to ask me a question that requires me to think...that's not happening. At this point I'm trying to recall what day it is and where the on button is to my computer (I may have exaggerated). I am a retail operations analyst so 9 out of 10 questions that come my way involve some sore of math and at 7:56 am my mind is on auto pilot so please call back at 10 or 11 or not at all and don't please don't leave a message.

Returning your phone call will happen, eventually, maybe. I'll be honest I've left messages on my phone for weeks and never returned them. I figure if you want something bad enough or it's urgent you'll call back. I more then likely will only check my messages to remove the red light that appears from you having left one and even then I might not. At this exact moment I technically need to call someone back, it's still debatable if I will or not....