Friday, November 18, 2011

The Decision

It's almost Christmas time which usually means that before long I'll be packing my bags and heading home.  Don't get me wrong Dallas is my home but Pennsylvania, Hamlin, will always be my home.  This blog is not easy to write because I'm not sure that I've even come to terms with the decision I've made.  Clifton and I have been planning for a while now to spend Christmas with my family and friends.  Everyone is going to be home this year (my siblings and their significant others), which is a big deal and we're even planning on having a Harry Potter themed Christmas (yes, you read that correctly).  You know you want one!  This has been a long time in the making, I'm waiting on my Hogwarts letter right now (not kidding).  However, I went to look for tickets this week, on Tuesday when prices supposedly go down and the cheapest was $750 for both of us to fly into Philly.  That means we still have to get a ride from Philly to Hamlin (approx. 2 hours away).  The weather conditions at this time are always unpredictable and it's not always easy finding a ride and it's an inconvenience for most.  To fly into Avoca the airport 30 minutes from home is about $500+ per ticket.  So we would be spending approximately $1,000 to $1,200 to fly home.  That doesn't include luggage costs, expenses while there, Christmas gifts, etc.

I'm not sure if it's the logic in me, the adult, or what but I decided that's just too much money.  That would make things extremely tight and we'd start the new year off struggling and I'm not ok with that.  There's a part of me that feels like I'm putting a price on my family, like I'm not willing to shell out the money to see them and I hope they know that's not the case!!  I have seen them a couple times this year.  We all flew in for my dad's surprise 60th Birthday party and we all flew in for my brother and new sister's wedding!  So we did get time together this year but it's Christmas.  I've been home for Christmas every year for 27 years!  It's a big deal to me, it's important to me.  I don't even care for presents I just love to be home with my family and friends! 

Clifton told me I could go myself (super sweet) but I want to spend Christmas with him!  My sister Carrie has offered to help pay, my best friend Reeney has offered to help or pay for it and my sister in law Abbey has offered a $200 voucher towards the trip and a ride from the airport!  I am ever so grateful for each and every offer that they have bestowed upon me!  I just can't accept them.  I'm not good at borrowing or taking money from people.  I love to give, I just struggle with the receiving especially something this big!

So it is with great sadness that I have decided that unless some "miracle" deal comes up between now and then Clifton and I will not be spending our Christmas in Pennsylvania.  I'm grateful for those of you I've talked to in depth about this (Clifton, Carrie, Tasha, Reeney) you have all been so supportive and understanding and I'm so grateful for that, for you all!  I know that to most this whole thing seems silly but if you only realized what Christmas at home with my family means to me (I'm literally tearing up right now just thinking about it).  My family and friends are amazing and I cherish and love every minute that I get to spend with them which isn't often because I live in Texas.  So I hope you all understand.

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