Monday, November 7, 2011

"Oh facey"

I've never been a big animal lover, don't get me wrong I don't dislike animals and I would never be cruel/mean to one.  I've always loved zoos but I just don't get all excited with animals at the pet store or when I go visit a friend I'm not ecstatic to see their pet (no offense).  I'll pet them, and acknowledge them but that's about the extent of my "animal love."  I know every animal that I have ever loved and they can be counted on 1 hand.  I'm not sure why I'm not big into pets maybe it's because growing up our family wasn't big in the pet department.  We had a dog named Samantha but she stayed outside and my dad took care of her 99% of the time.  There was the occasional gold fish that we would win at the fair (man I loved that game), but that lasted a month, maybe.  Then there was Kit Kat, a cute little kitty among several others who was "dropped" off at our door step.  However, Kit Kat was more my little sisters and I was never overly involved in her care.  So earlier this year when Clifton and I were talking about him moving into my apartment my reaction to the realization that his cat Etta was coming too went something like this..."oh... yeah.... so.... Etta.... comes... with... you?"  We laugh about it now, actually I laughed about it then too!  I was somewhat serious.  I had never owned or took care of a pet before and honestly I wasn't sure about it at all!  I mean up until this point all I had ever done with Etta was put food in her bowl a few times. 

Fast forward 11 months later and I don't know what I would do without her!  I never imagined I would be a "cat person" or a "pet person" to be perfectly honest I'm not sure I really am either of those, I just think I'm a "Etta person."  Every day I look forward to coming home and seeing her.  She does some of the funniest and weirdest things I've ever seen and I love it!  Don't get me wrong she can be a pain in the butt sometimes, not to mention sneaky and she sure as hell likes to test me but I wouldn't trade her for the world.  I'm still shocked at how much this "little" fur ball means to me!  Just yesterday Clifton had finished up putting together a book shelf and I walk into the living room and there she was just relaxing right on top of the book shelf!  haha, I expected nothing less from her!  So I am grateful for Etta Face the cutest, most unique cat I have ever known.  Thank you for bringing me so many smiles.  I love you facey! 

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