Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."

I've always said that I won the lottery in the friend department and believe me I did!  I remember my first friend ever Lacey Terenzio, her and I did everything together when we were younger.  We grew apart later on in life but found each other on facebook a few years ago and got back in touch and try to get together when I'm in town (I'm working on getting her to Texas to visit).  I have a lot of memories of her and I growing up.

In high school I had some of the most amazing people in my life, each of them know who they are, I'm still friends with them to this day even though we all live so far apart (Arizona, to Texas, Texas to D.C., D.C. to Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania to Connecticut, the list goes on).  I don't talk to them all the time or see them much but I think of them every day and wish them nothing but good things in their lives.  I do know that I can count on them through thick and thin.

When I got to college I met new people and made new friends.  I'm in contact with a lot of them as well, some I'm closer to then others.  It's funny because sometimes the people you think you'll grow apart from you don't, and vice verse.

When I moved to Houston almost five years ago I made a new round of friends and then I moved to Dallas, it's taken me a while to meet new people here and make new friends because I didn't know anyone in the area but I'm starting to.

I just want to say that I'm grateful to all the people in my life whether you were my first friend, my best friend in high school, a co-worker, someone I met through Clifton, an old friend a new friend, etc.  I may not talk to you often or see you that much but I promise you I think of you daily and I'm grateful to know you.

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