Friday, November 18, 2011

"...he always takes the best..."

I can't believe that this is happening again but Tuesday afternoon I found out that a friend I went to college with died.  I knew that he had been in and out of hospitals for quite some time and most recently had a surgery that had gone well.  His wife had posted this Monday, a week maybe week and a half after the surgery that prayers were needed because he was having some complications and was being re-admitted.  I said a prayer and hoped for the best, he seemed to be making a come back each time you never expect to see that he had passed.  But he did.

I met Joe my freshmen year of college when I started dating his friend Jason.  Jason and Joe lived across the hall from one another, they became quick friends and before long best of friends.  I spent a lot of my 4 years in college with Joe because Jason and him were for the most part inseparable.   Joe was a great guy, very laid back, always polite, family oriented, great friend, genuine person.  I have a lot of memories from back then.  Weekend lunch trips to the cafeteria cause who ever got up early enough for breakfast, partying "illegally"in the dorms, going out to the bars, senior homecoming, the list goes on. 

Joe and I graduated together and following graduation he moved back to Pittsburgh area where he's from and I stayed in the Erie area.  We saw each other here and there.  There was Geoff's house in Buffalo celebrating, Ryan and Gail's wedding, etc.  I remember one of the last times I saw Joe.  Jason and I met him and at the time his girlfriend Amber, (she later became his wife) at Olive Garden off of Peach St. in Erie for dinner.  We had a nice dinner together, catching up!  We always liked getting together with them!

 The guys - Jason, Joe, Ryan and Geoff

Things have since changed.  I obviously am no longer with Jason (I even remember talking to Joe about this at the time), we both went in different directions and with that comes the loss of those friends in many ways.  It's not something you do purposely, it's just what happens.  Joe, Ryan, Geoff they were all Jason's friends before they were mine and a guy girl friendship is much different then a guy guy or girl girl so you say hi when you run into them catch up and then continue on your way.  I kept in touch with Geoff here and there on facebook, the same with Amber (which is how I kept in touch with Joe in a way).  It's not the same as the friends you make plans with and get together with but at one time that's what we had and I'm grateful for that time.  I was lucky to know and spend time with an amazing person who had to leave this world, his family and friends behind too soon.  He isn't in pain any more which is the only good thing to come of this.  So Thank you Joe for being you, It was a pleasure to be your friend.

A shot of Joe and I on the dance floor!

To his wife Amber I can't even imagine what you have gone through and are going through but I think you are one of the strongest people I have come across and I hope that strength will continue to carry you through this and one day you will find peace.

Joe and Amber

Please if you would take a moment to say a prayer for the family and friends of Joe, may they find peace in this tragedy.

God looked around His garden and found an empty place. He then looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest. God’s garden must be beautiful he always takes the best. He saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb, so he closed your weary eyelids and whispered "Peace be thine". It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone, for part of us went with you the day God called you home.

1 comment:

  1. I read all your posts, but felt the need to comment on this one. This was beautifully written. I love the poem at the end.

