Thursday, May 5, 2011

Please do not leave a message after the beep...beep.

The telephone ringing at work is almost as bad as the alarm going off in the morning, almost. At least with the alarm I know what is waiting for me with a telephone call I haven't a clue; who is it? what do they want? Do they have bad news? how long is this conversation going to last?

The worst is when I've been at work for less then 5 minutes or it's not even 8 and someone is calling. Listen you may be a morning person but I am not. I will not be bubbly, I will most likely not be the person you are looking for and it's almost always only me in the office at this time and even if I am the person you are looking for you are going to ask me a question that requires me to think...that's not happening. At this point I'm trying to recall what day it is and where the on button is to my computer (I may have exaggerated). I am a retail operations analyst so 9 out of 10 questions that come my way involve some sore of math and at 7:56 am my mind is on auto pilot so please call back at 10 or 11 or not at all and don't please don't leave a message.

Returning your phone call will happen, eventually, maybe. I'll be honest I've left messages on my phone for weeks and never returned them. I figure if you want something bad enough or it's urgent you'll call back. I more then likely will only check my messages to remove the red light that appears from you having left one and even then I might not. At this exact moment I technically need to call someone back, it's still debatable if I will or not....

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