Friday, November 18, 2011

Life's little treats

I find it funny how the things that annoy you or ruin your day one day can do the complete opposite another.  I have a couple instances of these.

First:  I can be a very organized person at times and at others when things get crazy and I'm always on the go, things get scattered.  Sometimes my purse will be so clean there's barely anything in it and other times it'll be full of everything and anything under the sun from a piece of fruit, to a million receipts, books, etc.  So I was looking for something in this current black hole (my purse) and I stumbled upon 5 dollars!  Now that's not a lot of money but it is 5 dollars!  I remember in college one time we needed an extra $5 for pizza we had ordered and no one in the house had it so I was like "give me a minute let me check all my pockets" and I ran upstairs and checked every pocket I had and I found that $5 we needed.  Or another time when I was walking on campus wearing my black vest and put my hand in the pocket and pulled out $29 dollars, yup $29!  That was awesome!  So sometimes I'm so annoyed at myself when I'm this unorganized and can't remember where I placed things and other times it's a blessing in disguise. 

Second:  If you read an earlier blog I wrote titled "Laughter really is the best Medicine" then you'll recall the Friday I woke up and ended up being to work an hour and a half early because of my phone changing the time on it and I didn't realize it til later.  Well it happened again but this time it was different.  Thursday morning my alarm went off as usual and I hit the snooze a few times until it was time to get up.  As I sat up in bed I looked over at the alarm clock sitting on our dresser (I didn't look at this clock last time) and it said it was only 5:04!  Wow what a treat, I was like a kid on Christmas morning (Clifton can attest to this).  My phone had changed back an hour so the alarm went off an hour early and I had a whole other hour to sleep!

So I'd just like to say that I'm grateful for life's little treats, no matter how small they may be or that I may have caused them myself and some days they don't go as nice as others but when they do, I appreciate them!

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