Friday, November 18, 2011

Deal with the devil

Back in late August early September of this year I made a deal with the devil.  The deal:  No clothes shopping until my 29th birthday (February 28th).  The devil:  Clifton.  Now first I must tell you that this wasn't even Clifton's idea, it was mine and I had a couple margaritas...I blame the damn alcohol, not really!  Now just to clarify I am allowed to buy accessories, such as belts, scarfs, jewelry, things of that nature not to exceed $30 for any one item.

I thought this will be a challenge for me and anyone who knows me well, knows I love to challenge myself!  I also thought I'll revamp my current wardrobe besides winter is coming so I'll be changing most of my clothes over to sweater and jeans this will be fine.  Now around this time my sister had introduced me to Pinterest, for those of you not familiar with the website let me take a minute to give you some insight:  You know when you're browsing the internet and you see something you like (i.e. furniture, DIY projects, clothes, etc.) and you save the website to go back to or sometimes you forget to and that idea gets lost?  Well this site allows you to have virtual cork boards if you will and you pin these things to your boards so that you can refer back to them when you need inspiration.  So I have a board titled "I live to eat" and on it I pin recipes that I'd like to try or I also have a board titled "captured" which is different types of photo's so that when I want to take photographs I have some unique ideas to try.  Hopefully you get the point.  This ties together with my deal I promise...I'm getting there.  My favorite and probably most used board is the one titled "Dress the part" and on it I put anything I like clothing, style wise.  It has outfit concepts, dresses, shoes, etc. and whenever I have a moment of looking into my closet and think "I have nothing to wear!" I pull up my pinterest and find one of my pins and re-create it using what I have in my closet.  This has been a life saver.  I have done this probably closer to a dozen times!  So I'm thankful for a few things here.  1.  My sister for introducing/inviting me to this site.  2.  That I like challenges because I feel it makes me a better and stronger person.  3.  Pinterest, you are #2 on my list of greatest internet creations of all time, sorry but Google holds the #1 spot.  Thank you Pinterest for keeping my sanity through this challenge...only 3 months and 10 days left.  Wow, that's just scary thinking about.    

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