Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Skinny

I mentioned in an earlier post titled "One hour and sixteen minutes to be exact" about my best friend Reeney's husband Skinny and an accident he was in.  I didn't get into details about it then but I'm going to now.  On November 14th, 2010 Skinny was on his land cutting down trees with his cousin and he didn't move far enough away and a branch off the tree fell and hit him in the back of the head pushing him forward landing face first into the ground so he not only was hit in the back of the head but his face broke is fall.  I remember talking to Reeney through out that day and her saying "Dana, for about 5 minutes while I was in that ambulance I didn't think he was alive."  He was alive though.  He was rushed to ICU unconscious.  He didn't wake for 3 weeks.  I actually went in the weekend after his accident (Thanks to our good friend Robin who flew me in).  I sat in that hospital waiting, hoping for anything a movement, a sign. 

It is now over a year later and so much has happened but this is what I can tell you.  Skinny is alive and doing well.  He is still the Skinny I've always known and loved but he has a traumatic brain injury (TBI), severe memory loss, vision impairment, the list goes on.  He's come a long way from where he was (thanks to his wife Reeney, her family & friends, and the doctors and therapists who REALLY cared).  I remember seeing him this fall, we had a great conversation just like old times, I can't wait to see him in a few weeks!

I'm grateful that Skinny is still here today with us!  When I talk to Reeney on the phone and I tell her to tell him I said hi and I hear him say "hi" back to me it makes me so happy, makes my day because I remember when I wasn't sure I'd hear that voice again.

Reeney & Skinny

None of us are sure what the future holds but I'm still hopeful, how can I not be, it's Skinny.

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