Sunday, November 6, 2011

A simple act

As a "runner' I use that term loosely cause I'm not sure I can be classified as a runner but more so as someone who runs as their main form of exercise. I have always found it hard to find good places to run or even the decent places always have their down sides.  I remember when I lived in Houston I would run outside my complex along the side walk that would then spit me out along Westheimer Rd (an 8 lane heavy traffic filled road).  So I'd be crossing streets with stop lights, parking lots, etc.  It was probably not the best place to run but it was convenient and it beat running on the treadmill at the gym.  When I moved to Roanoke I would run around the town on the back roads.  Well granted the traffic wasn't nearly as heavy but there was no shoulder or sidewalk to run on either.
It just seems that no matter what as a "runner" you're going to encounter obstacles.    I've been almost hit by a car that didn't see me, I've been bitten by a dog, lost my shoes to mud, etc.   It's just the way it is and having been running now for 10 years (wow, I didn't even know it was that long) I've just learned to adapt to my environment.
Recently Clifton and I have moved to the town of Lewisville and with a new town comes finding a new place to run.  Currently we've been running around the apartment complexes near our own.  There are sidewalks all along the way which makes it easy and there aren't too many streets to cross along the path we've found so obstacles are at a minimum but they still exist.
Yesterday I decided to go for a run, it was way too nice out not to.  Along my run, on the second half heading home I had just turned around and noticed up ahead a couple with two dogs.  They were pretty far ahead of me but I immediately began to think "Do they see me?"  "Are those dogs on leashes?" "Should I move over onto the grass as to not disturb them or their dogs?"  "What kind of grip do they have on those leashes?"  Well before I even got the chance to make a move or answer my questions the nice couple decided they would just make things easier on all of us and cross the street and walk on the other side.  I saw them do this and was immediately filled with appreciation, relief and it just put a smile on my face.  I attempted to catch their eye and wave at them to say "thank you" whether they saw me or not I don't know but I do hope they realize how much that simple act meant to me. So today I am grateful to all those people who have waited to turn their car so that I could cross the street, moved aside so that I could pass, held on to their animals so that I could continue my run peacefully, the list goes on and on.  Thank you, you have no idea how much easier you made that run because of your kindness.

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