Monday, November 14, 2011

Laughter is the best medicine

It was Friday, October 15th 2010 to be exact.  Clifton and I had been dating for a few weeks now and he invited me to come see his Improv Comedy Troup, FIAD perform at the Dallas Comedy House.  I couldn't tell you much about the show but I do know that I enjoyed it and there was laughter involved.  All I knew about Improv Comedy came from the show "Who's Line is it Anyway" It's a good starting place but what they do on that show are games and what I saw that night was long form Improv.  It's very impressive to watch.  Following the show we hung out at the bar and had a few (insert wink) drinks.  I remember some of the people who were there that night, Hack, Tommy, Kyle, Brian, Christie (if I forgot anyone please forgive me there was drinking involved, it's been over a year and I have a crappy memory sometimes).  We all were just hanging out bullshitting, played a drinking "google" game.  I remember thinking the whole time "Wow, this is a lot of fun and these people are so nice!"  Little did I know at the time how big a part of my life that place, those people and comedy would be.

Lauren, Nick, Carley, Clifton and I front row for Tim Meadows and Uncles Brother!

Flash forward to this past Friday.  The day started out as any other.  I got up, got ready and walked out the door to quickly realize that it was 6:19 not 7:19 my cell phone had decided that it didn't care for day light savings time and was switching back.  Rather then go back upstairs I decided I would just go to work early, get a head start on some things.  Half-way to work I realized my lunch was still sitting in the fridge at home.  I had plenty of time to turn around but figured it'd just be easier to buy something at lunch instead.  Still trying my damnedest to be optimistic about this day but the hits kept coming, everyone and everything seemed to annoy me.  Before the work day had even ended I was so done to the point of just going home, crawling in bed with a book or movie, glass of wine and not move.  I however at literally the last minute decided to join Clifton and go to the Comedy House.  He had a show as usual with Roadside Couch and it was the big Homecoming Dance!   So I quickly got ready and we headed to Dallas.  I've got to tell you that last minute decision was the best one I had made all day because I had a lot of fun and was glad I had gone.  Laughter really is the best medicine!  So I'm grateful for The Dallas Comedy House and all the Improv Comedians who perform there, you're all very talented individuals who make me laugh regularly.  I've met some amazing people there that I'm grateful to call friends.

If you've never been to The Dallas Comedy House before I highly recommend it, if you have then I highly recommend you going again and again and again.

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