Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Clifton and I spent Thanksgiving with his mom and her husband, Clint in Austin.  We won't get to see them for Christmas, seeing as we'll be spending it with my family in Pennsylvania.  We got there on Wednesday evening just in time for some home made dinner!  We spent the evening hanging out, chatting, attempting to open a bottle of wine without a wine key, looking at pictures, etc. 

After the evening had ended I told Clifton that I had a really good time and that I felt very much at home.  He said he felt the same way with my family when he first met/hung out with them.

I'm grateful that both of us feel this way about one each others family.  I'm also grateful for a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Clint, Lela (Clifton's mom), Clifton and Me!

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