Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thank you!

I've been meaning to blog for some time now and when I saw that everyone was updating statuses through the month of November with things they were grateful for I thought "this is it, instead of posting what you're grateful for, why not blog about it!"  So that's what this blog has been about.  I've enjoyed blogging this entire month and even though I got behind on some I remember thinking of each of the things I was grateful for daily.  Life is so busy and hectic that sometimes we forget to be grateful for the things we have and to enjoy the little things.  Every day isn't perfect and why should it be?

This journey I feel has given some of my readers an incite into who I really am because as most people know I'm pretty vague when if comes to facebook status updates.  It's strange putting yourself out there but it's also freeing in a way.

I've received quiet the amount of compliments from people telling me that they've enjoyed my blog, they find it humbling, etc.  If I could only tell you how much that really means to me.  So this one's for you, my readers, I'm grateful that you took a minute to read something that I wrote, whether it was one post or several, I hope you enjoyed it!  

P.S.  This isn't the end of my blogging, stay tuned!

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