Saturday, November 12, 2011

"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."

It was like any other Friday until it wasn't.  Posts began showing up on Facebook with things such as "R.I.P. Steve" and his wall began to fill up with posts from friends saying stuff like I'll never forget you and I'll miss you, etc.  I didn't think what I was reading was correct.  However the posts kept coming.  I actually remember looking back on Facebook an hour later and not seeing the posts and immediately thinking "oh, Thank God, it was just a mistake."  However, I quickly realized that was just false hope.  Now I can't tell you the last time I saw Steve because I can't remember.  I don't have the best memory to begin with and I won't sit here and make up some story about the last time I saw him.  I do have two distinct memories of him though.  When we were younger Steve used to chase me around the play ground every day at recess and I used to make my brother go after him because as we all know boys had cooties (they still kind of do).  Steve was relentless though and even after my brother would chase him off he'd still chase me again the next day and the next.  He was determined!  My other memory was in middle school (I believe) my friend Erin, Jeremy and I went over to Steve's house to hang out and catch a movie together that night.  I remember us all just hanging out in his bedroom goofing off.  I recall his dog jumped up on me and I of course was wearing white that day.  I also remember the movie we saw, it was U.S. Marshalls and every time I watch that movie I remember that day.  I've known Steve since elementary school, we also went to grade school together, middle school and finished high school together.  Following high school we both went in different directions.  If I recall correctly I saw him a couple times in the years since graduating, running into him around town.  Even though we didn't keep in touch and we weren't a big part of each others life I know this.  Steve was a good guy, he was funny, liked to have a good time, told you how it was, and was a true friend.  He was the kind of friend who would be there for you through thick and thin.

This tragedy has had me thinking about a lot of things all day.  One the saying, "life is short" I've always known this I've seen tragedy hit close to home and I've seen it hit people close to me.  I believe in spending time with those we love as much as possible and to cherish every moment we have because you never know.  This is always easier said then done. I mean you go through your entire high school (sometimes further back) with the same people, people you see day in and day out.  Some you become very close friends with, others not so much.  Either way, when it comes time to graduate you all make promises to keep in touch and when you say that to each other you really mean it because at that point you have no clue what lies ahead.  Quickly you realize that the promises you made aren't so easy to keep.  Not because you don't want to but because life is hectic and busy.  Throw moving several states away, or just one and the time to get to see each other becomes thinner.  It's sad but true.  As another saying goes "everything happens for a reason."  Not making light of this in any way but there has to be a reason and maybe keeping in touch better, appreciating the ones we love and the things we have more, maybe that's the reason.  I don't know.  I do know that a life was taken too soon and he will be missed by many.   

On November 11th Steve Stookey was taken from this world.  Family and friends have lost a member, two boys have lost their father, the class of 2001 has lost another.  I am grateful to sit here and say that I knew Steve and grew up with him.  May you be at peace Steve and tell Nancy I said hi!

P.S. Please take a moment to say a prayer for his family & friends may they find peace in this difficult time. 

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”
Thomas Campbell

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