Thursday, November 3, 2011

one hour and sixteen minutes to be exact

" Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who's been standing beside you all along." 
The above quote describes how I feel about my best friend.  My best friend Reeney is the most wonderful person in the world.  There are not enough words to be able to explain how wonderful and amazing she is.   I wish that everyone had a "Reeney" in their life.  I have been blessed to not only have her in my life but I also get to claim her as my best friend.  Reeney and I have known each other my whole life since she is 16 years older then me (15 if you ask her).  We didn't become best friends until the summer after I graduated highschool, right before I went off to college 6 hours away (perfect timing I know)!  So you would have thought that between 4 years of college, 1 year living in Erie and almost 5 years of living in Texas, 1,524 miles apart (to be exact) only seeing each other in a good year 3 times with limited time and many interruptions we would have grown apart, however I'm here to tell you we have not! 

Reeney and I used to talk an average of 3 times a day.  This seems like a lot but depending on the length of the conversation it most likely was not.  We would call even if it was to tell each other something simple or ask a question.  Well almost a year ago a tragic accident occurred to her husband Skinny, I won't go into details because there will be a post about him later on.  Due to this accident Reeney has devoted her life and all her time to taking care of Skinny and helping him to get better.  Because of this life changing incident Reeney and I don't talk as much as we would like.  Now we will talk once maybe twice a day and for literally less then 5 minutes each time.  Sometimes we'll go days with out talking.  This doesn't change our friendship it just alters our communications.  It's just how things are right now.  She needs to take care of her husband and I need to be there for her in whatever way possible.  So last night something happened, something that hasn't happened in so long I can't even remember the last time.  She called me and we talked for an hour and sixteen minutes to be exact and I cherished every second!

Who's your best friend?  Have you talked to them today?  You should. 


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