Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"oh this must be like when cable companies give you free movies stations during the holiday weekend...

We traded in or maybe upgraded is a better way of putting it our Toyota in March.  We were both super excited because it was our first brand new car, I'm talking zero miles!  With the deal came free XM Satellite radio, at the time we weren't sure for how long, come to find out it was only 3 months.  Better than nothing!  So after 3 months we didn't have it renewed and just continued with our regular radio stations.  Well Clifton called me a couple months back telling me that the people from XM called and offered us a pretty sweet deal (can't remember what it is, surprise) but he wanted to talk to me first before accepting so he told the salesman to call back.  Well he never did.

We were in the car the other day, running errands I'm sure, and flipping radio stations as usual and discovered that most of our XM stations are back!  We weren't sure what to make of it.  Honestly, my first thought was "oh this must be like when cable companies give you free movies stations during the holiday weekend, XM gives you free radio stations"  Well it's Tuesday after the Thanksgiving weekend and I can tell you that we still have our XM stations coming in loud and clear!  I don't know why or how this has happened but I'm grateful for it, even if it is for just a short period of time!

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