Sunday, November 6, 2011

An invite to dinner

It seems that every one's busy, that there's never enough time in the day, week, month, year.  So when our friends Meagan and Jeff called to see if we wanted to meet for dinner the other night we both didn't hesitate in saying yes.  We didn't have dinner plans set in stone and we haven't hung out with them in quite some time.  Dinner was great, we got to catch up and just hang out, not to mention see their beautiful daughter Ella.  I remember getting in the car after dinner and turning to Clifton and saying "that was really nice I'm glad they invited us.  I wish we'd do this more often."  I meant every word of it and I really to wish we could/will do it more often.  So today I'm grateful for the Solomon's who I get to call friends and their invite to dinner.  I look forward to spending more time with them in the future as well as getting to meet their son Ben.

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