Wednesday, November 30, 2011

21 more days!

Twenty one more days and Clifton and I will be jetting off to the great north, or Pennsylvania, take your pick!  We didn't think we'd be making it in to see my family this year (you may have already read about it in an earlier blog titled "The Decision") but I happen to find an awesome deal and felt that it was "fate" telling us to go!  Not to mention everyone who offered a monetary contribution, transportation service, moral support, etc.

So I'm grateful that we get to spend Christmas at home in Pennsylvania with my family!  I'm grateful that the airlines didn't take all our monies and I'm so very grateful to all those who offered help (even if it wasn't taken, you have no idea what the gesture meant)!! 

I hope that everyone gets to spend the holiday with their family, friends and loved ones!

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