Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thank you!

I've been meaning to blog for some time now and when I saw that everyone was updating statuses through the month of November with things they were grateful for I thought "this is it, instead of posting what you're grateful for, why not blog about it!"  So that's what this blog has been about.  I've enjoyed blogging this entire month and even though I got behind on some I remember thinking of each of the things I was grateful for daily.  Life is so busy and hectic that sometimes we forget to be grateful for the things we have and to enjoy the little things.  Every day isn't perfect and why should it be?

This journey I feel has given some of my readers an incite into who I really am because as most people know I'm pretty vague when if comes to facebook status updates.  It's strange putting yourself out there but it's also freeing in a way.

I've received quiet the amount of compliments from people telling me that they've enjoyed my blog, they find it humbling, etc.  If I could only tell you how much that really means to me.  So this one's for you, my readers, I'm grateful that you took a minute to read something that I wrote, whether it was one post or several, I hope you enjoyed it!  

P.S.  This isn't the end of my blogging, stay tuned!


Clifton and I met through an online dating website (yup, you read that correctly) ONLINE!  I remember each of our dates in the first month, most of them to the point that I could tell you what I wore to each and probably what he did as well.  One of my favorite dates was the night he invited me over for dinner, he was cooking.  Talk about impressing a girl (any men out there reading this I'm straight up telling you what we like)!  He made us steaks with a home made wine sauce, potatoes and green beans.  While he cooked we had some wine and chatted and not only was the conversation enjoyable but it was funny, he had me in tears before I even had the chance to take a bite of food.  It was the best date I had ever been on!

In Pennsylvania

Clifton is simply amazing, he's a mixture of a little kid yet will hit you with something so profound and enlightening that it'll make you stop and think.  He's the most laid back person I've ever come across always going with the flow knowing things will work out, which I admire (I need to be more like this).  He's random and predictable, sincere and goofy, talented improvisor and cook.  He makes every day interesting and makes my world complete. 

Hanging out with good friends from DCH

 Every day I am grateful that I met Clifton I'm grateful that he is the one standing besides me on this journey called life because It wouldn't be the same without him! 

At the Dallas Comedy House's Homecoming Dance!

Crock pot Sundays!

I've got two words for you, crock pot.  If you don't have a crock pot, then you need to stop reading, scratch that finish reading this post, then run out to the nearest Target, Walmart, Bed & Bath, William Senoma, where ever they sell one and buy one!  I promise you'll thank me for this!

I bought a crock pot a few years ago and I don't use it as often as I'd like but I'm changing that.  I recently stumbled upon a website called crock pot girls which is full of recipes, tips, etc.  So now I've decided to begin having crock pot Sundays.  Every Sunday after breakfast I put a new recipe in the crock pot and let it cook all day, we then have if for dinner that night and usually Monday as well.  It makes Sunday's more relaxing and enjoyable as well as Monday's. 

I'm grateful for my crock pot and these girls for putting together this website and reminding me what's been sitting right in front of me!

It's Skinny

I mentioned in an earlier post titled "One hour and sixteen minutes to be exact" about my best friend Reeney's husband Skinny and an accident he was in.  I didn't get into details about it then but I'm going to now.  On November 14th, 2010 Skinny was on his land cutting down trees with his cousin and he didn't move far enough away and a branch off the tree fell and hit him in the back of the head pushing him forward landing face first into the ground so he not only was hit in the back of the head but his face broke is fall.  I remember talking to Reeney through out that day and her saying "Dana, for about 5 minutes while I was in that ambulance I didn't think he was alive."  He was alive though.  He was rushed to ICU unconscious.  He didn't wake for 3 weeks.  I actually went in the weekend after his accident (Thanks to our good friend Robin who flew me in).  I sat in that hospital waiting, hoping for anything a movement, a sign. 

It is now over a year later and so much has happened but this is what I can tell you.  Skinny is alive and doing well.  He is still the Skinny I've always known and loved but he has a traumatic brain injury (TBI), severe memory loss, vision impairment, the list goes on.  He's come a long way from where he was (thanks to his wife Reeney, her family & friends, and the doctors and therapists who REALLY cared).  I remember seeing him this fall, we had a great conversation just like old times, I can't wait to see him in a few weeks!

I'm grateful that Skinny is still here today with us!  When I talk to Reeney on the phone and I tell her to tell him I said hi and I hear him say "hi" back to me it makes me so happy, makes my day because I remember when I wasn't sure I'd hear that voice again.

Reeney & Skinny

None of us are sure what the future holds but I'm still hopeful, how can I not be, it's Skinny.